Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm 40 Today!

Yesterday, for the first time since I was a kid, I felt a little excitement about my upcoming birthday. I'm not quite sure why... maybe it was because of all the fuss that surrounds a 40th birthday...

Anyway, the day has now arrived, and here I am... 40 years young...

Some would say this is the midpoint of a person's life, and that alone freaks a lot of people out. I'm not worried about that. If that is true, I have another 40 good years to look forward to. I can only hope that they will be just as exciting as the first 40... If there is any truth in "naughty forties", then I guess even more excitement awaits...

I'm new at this. Can anyone tell me about the good stuff in store for me? Can I now fart in public and expect to get only a few polite smiles from bystanders? Do I get a discount at the movies? Will a confused stare get me out of forgetting important stuff? What exactly does this "naughty" mean? There must be something in it for me!

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